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HSC Omega-3


(WM) RM 80.00

(EM) RM 80.00

Product Description

HSC Omega-3 Fish oil is developed with high levels of omega-3 (total of 744mg per 1200mg softgel) with more than double the strength of regular fish oil supplement to your diet for overall health and longevity.

Packaging: 30 softgels x 1200mg/bottle

Product Benefits

  • Fights Cardiovascular Diseases

  • Improves Blood Cholesterol Levels

  • Lowers Blood Pressure

  • Improves Mental Health

  • Promotes Brain Development

  • Enhances Vision

  • Suitable for Pregnant Woman & Nursing Mothers

Product Features

1. Endorsed by HSC Medical Centre

HSC Medical Center is one of the world's leading one-stop medical, heart and diagnostic centers in Kuala Lumpur, with internationally-trained medical professionals, fully computerized system integration, and state-of-the-art diagnostic and therapeutic equipment, all of which have contributed to the uniqueness of this medical center. With years of medical experience, HSC Medical Centre has developed products with unique formulations and supreme quality incorporating health ingredients that help maintain and enhance health. CNI is proudly linked to HSC Medical Centre on this omega-3 supplement.

2. Fish oil is manufactured using PureMax Technology by Croda, UK

HSC Omega-3 Fish Oil is manufactured using PureMax Technology by Croda, United Kingdom that has undergone multiple purification stages to remove toxins and contaminants. This technology ensures purity and safety of fish oil consumption and is independently approved by a third-party testing and accreditation program, International Fish Oil Standards.

  • PureMax technology – purity guaranteed on every batch

  • Dedicated UK production facility

  • Conforms to European Pharmacopeia Standards

  • Proud member of GOED (Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s

3. Pureness in source

HSC Omega-3 Fish Oil is specially sourced from fish body oil that is found at small fish like sardines and anchovies living in pristine waters around South American sea. Small fish are chosen instead of large ones due to the fact that smaller size fish have shorter life span and naturally contained much lower in environmental pollutants compared to bigger-sized predatory fish. Fish alone could not produce omega-3 but instead they acquire omega-3 through their diet on algae and other planktonic creatures in sea or through predation. The nature of marine biology dictates that bigger fish prey on smaller ones and because of this, omega-3 consumed by smaller fish is slowly moved up the marine food chain.

However, due to sea and environmental pollution, harmful chemicals  easily enters the ecosystem as a result of industrial activity. These compounds bio-accumulate in the fatty tissue of fish, causing the oil derived from these tissues may contain higher levels of contaminants. The common contaminants include heavy metals (such as mercury, lead, arsenic, and cadmium), PCBs, dioxins and furans will pass up the marine food chain passively by storing in fish body. As a consequence, a bigger fish stores more pollutant materials compared to a smaller one. Therefore, our HSC Omega-3 derived from small, fast-breeding fish such as anchovies and sardines that are at the bottom of the food chain is considered a better option ecologically than harvesting large, slow-growing, long-lived species like tuna.

4. Triple molecular distillation

Molecular distillation is a process that separates the long chain omega-3 fatty acids from contaminants in an extreme vacuum environment at a temperature below the oil’s boiling point. Omega-3 fatty acids were extracted based on molecular weights and heavy metals were removed. The end product is a concentrated, ultra-pure and refined omega-3 product with nearly zero contaminants.

HSC Omega-3 Fish Oil goes through at least 3 levels of molecular distillation and concentration process to separate any potential harmful pollutants such as dioxins, furans, PCBs, heavy metal and so on from the fish oil during processing time.

5. More than double strength with high concentration of omega-3 per softgel – 744mg (42% EPA & 20% DHA)

American Heart Association (AHA) recommends eating fish at least twice a week (total of at least 6-8 ounces), which equates to approximately 500mg of EPA & DHA omega-3 fatty acids per day for a healthy adult. In order to obtain the recommended dose of omega-3, we need to consume large amount of fish daily. However, most people do not take the suggested two to three servings of oily fish per week to reap the benefits of omega-3s because of the increasing sea pollution that has made us cautious about eating fish in big amounts.

One thousand or 1200mg of fish oil doesn’t equal 1000 or 1200mg of omega-3s. A standard 1000mg fish oil softgel usually provides 180mg EPA and 120mg DHA, making a total of 300mg of omega-3s. By taking our HSC Omega-3 Fish Oil, it provides you more than double the strength of a standard softgel, which contains total 744mg of omega-3 where you can take without worrying about the pollution matter.

6. First in Malaysia with IFOS 5-Star Certified

IFOS (International Fish Oil Standards) is a third party testing and certification program exclusively for omega-3 fish oil products.

Our HSC Omega-3 Fish Oil obtained certification with 5 Star rating from IFOS as below:-

  • Omega 3 concentration consistent with label

  • Passes IFOS Oxidation standards

  • Passes IFOS PCB, PCDD/F standards

  • PPasses IFOS Heavy Metal standards

  • Passes all IFOS testing categories

In short, HSC Omega-3 Fish Oil is independently tested, and guaranteed by a third-party lab to be free of heavy metals, dioxins, PCB and toxins, which confirms that it meets stringent international standards for purity, potency, freshness and stability to ensure our consumers are getting the purest and best fish oil supplement available.

7. Packed in amber glass bottle

Essential fatty acids in fish oil are very sensitive towards sunlight. To minimize the sunlight that causes product oxidation, fish oil softgels are best kept in a dark brown amber glass bottle for better protection.

Product Info

Indication As a health supplement; If symptoms persist, please consult doctor.
Ingredients 1. EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) 504 mg
2DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) 240 mg
Total Omega-3 fatty acids 744 mg
Recommended Intake Adult: Take 1-2 softgels daily after meal or as recommended by the doctor or pharmacist.
Storage Keep out of reach of children. Store in cool, dry place. Store at room temperature below 30⁰C. Protect from direct sunlight

Research / Reports
